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Florida’s Top Rated Addiction Treatment Center For Alcohol & Drug Rehab

Fort Lauderdale residents have multiple options to choose from for addiction treatment, but the top rated option and choice is Serenity Oaks for the individualized care that is placed on each patient’s treatment plan and recovery journey. Our compassionate team is dedicated to going the extra mile for patients to ensure that you can reach long term success in your recovery journey.

Our philosophy for effective addiction treatment programming is to honor that making a change towards sobriety is a lifelong commitment that requires ongoing support and guidance which is why we provide a continuum of care including detox, inpatient residential treatment, outpatient rehab, and aftercare programming such as our Thrive alumni group. No matter what stage you are in within your addiction recovery, the team at Serenity Oaks will be by your side to collaborate and work together within a community of support to help one another achieve and maintain a life of sobriety.


Our Approach

Our customized programs feature an integrative approach that includes medical protocols, clinical therapies and holistic modalities. We also incorporate life skills and recreational options into the mix to ensure our clients meet all their needs to bring about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Our team of addiction experts is committed to every client, treating them as a member of the family and investing in the success of their recovery.

The basic program format at Serenity Oaks Wellness is broken down into five weeks that follow our ADORN pattern:

Why Choose Serenity Oaks

When you choose Serenity Oaks wellness center to heal from your drug or alcohol addiction, you are choosing to heal within a treatment center that honors and values your unique circumstances and needs from an alcohol or drug rehab program. We understand that living with an active drug or alcohol addiction can produce feelings of shame or guilt within a person due to the actions or behaviors that you had within your addiction.

The team at Serenity Oaks is here to support you in releasing any negative feelings about your addiction and honoring the challenges that you have experienced within your addiction and offering non judgmental support and care as you heal from the pains of your past to create a healthy future in sobriety.

Serenity Oaks changed my life. I went in a terrified shell of a person. I left born again, a new man entirely. The team of therapist is amazing, they saved my life. Today I am clean and sober living a life beyond my wildest dreams. I owe the credit to the things I learned at Serenity Oaks. They give you all the tools you need to succeed in the real world. I recommend this place to anyone who is suffering from the cunning, baffling, powerful disease called addiction.

– Justin G.

The therapists here are top notch! The staff is excellent as well. The individual therapy sessions and the group sessions are equally valuable. If you’re open-minded and willing, this place can change your life! I cannot thank this place enough for giving me my life back. I was completely lost, empty, full of darkness and self-hatred. Today, I can say that I am the complete opposite of all of those things! I owe it all to Serenity Oaks Wellness Center and the hard work that I did there and the lessons and tools I learned and continue to practice in my daily life now.

– Amy S.


At Serenity Oaks, our vision is to ADORN our patients to help facilitate personal growth and change towards a healthy balanced life in sobriety. Your addiction treatment program will incorporate clinical therapeutic support, medical supervision and care, and recreational or experiential therapy opportunities. 

In order to support our patients in ADORNing from their addiction, we believe that this is completed in 5 stages;

A- Accountability

During the initial stage of your addiction treatment program, patients will become accountable to their actions and consequences of addiction that has impacted their life or others around them .

D- Dreams, determination, disconnect, or direction

This second stage of addiction treatment is characterized by identifying the harmful habits that have been established during your addiction and beginning to identify how you would want to make changes for the future in sober living.

O- Opportunity

Patients are beginning to build and develop positive, healthy coping strategies while also receiving feedback from peers and staff about their recovery process to ensure that they are receiving optimal treatment progress. .

R- Relationships and Restoring

During this fourth phase of addiction treatment, patients will engage in family therapy sessions to help reconnect with their loved ones and rebuild trust within the relationship. Loved ones will develop skills for healthy communication, setting appropriate boundaries with one another, and holding each other accountable.

N- Navigate

This final phase of addiction treatment is characterized by supporting patients to navigate sober living options and the supports that will be needed as you transition into your home environment. Patients are paired with new clients to support as a mentor and support the new person in going through their treatment to help share their experience and knowledge of addiction recovery.

A Fresh Start


Serenity Oaks Wellness Center is an addiction treatment facility where your “drive to change” is met with our “passion to create an unparalleled experience in healing and strengthening the client’s core self”. Our knowledgeable and compassionate team will treat each client individually based on cross-disciplinary and evidence-based treatment for each individual’s unique treatment goals.

Best Alcohol & Drug Rehab in Florida

Struggling with substance abuse is a disease that no person ever asks for. Yet, every day, countless people in the Florida area suffer from this condition. When you’re ready to take back control over your life and participate in holistic therapies and treatments, the recovery team at Serenity Oaks is here to help you. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with personalized treatment which will help them to address their substance use disorders. Regardless of how long you have been struggling with your addiction or if you have been to another treatment center in the past, you can take comfort in the fact that our addiction specialists will be there for you and with you every step of the way.

One of the things that makes Serenity Oaks unique is the fact that we don’t think of ourselves as just another treatment center. Instead, our focus is on helping our clients to change their life. As a top rehab in Florida, we go through a process of taking the time to get to know each and every client that walks through our doors. We understand that there is a story behind every person which is something that plays into the health treatment that you will receive when you come to our treatment facility. We also strive to always make ourselves available if any issues should come up throughout the course of participating in one of our recovery programs. From the moment that you reach out to our intake team, you will feel the difference in the approach that we take to alcohol and drug treatment. This is something that will only help you to make the most out of your time at our addiction center.

When you initially reach out to our treatment center, you will interact with our knowledgeable intake team who will help to guide you through the initial steps that you need to begin your recovery journey. We understand that this initial process is something that may feel overwhelming or intimidating for many people which is why we strive to make this part of the process as stress-free as possible. A good rule of thumb is that before you reach out, put together a list of questions or concerns that you may have so that our intake team can address them and help you to feel more at ease. Here are some examples of the questions that we typically receive from clients that are ready to commit to a life of sobriety:

What should I pack when I come for treatment?

This is an understandable and important question. At Serenity Oaks, our goal is to help make you as comfortable as possible during the time that you’re working through your program. There will be a few items that you will not be able to bring with you, however, our treatment team will provide you with a complete list of what is allowed and what is not to ensure that you have everything that you need.

Will my family be able to visit me during the time that I’m in treatment?

As addiction experts, we understand that addiction is something that impacts more than just the person that is struggling with this condition. It’s important that you take your initial days and weeks in addiction treatment and start to heal both physically and psychologically, however, we also recognize the fact that your family can play a supportive role in your recovery journey. We will speak with you in more detail about when your family will be able to come to see you but you can rest assured that you will come to a place in your recovery where this is a possibility if you would like to see your family.

What can I expect during treatment?

At Serenity Oaks, we work with each client to tailor a treatment program that is individually designed for that person. However, you can expect to interact with a team of caring and knowledgeable individuals who will help you to recognize the goals that you have for yourself and your sobriety.

Addiction Treatment Services – Our Full Continuum of Care

Making the decision to commit to addiction treatment services is a decision that can change your life. There are several steps that you can take when it comes to making the most out of your time in addiction treatment. First and foremost, it’s important to understand that there will likely be several different things that you will hear during your time in addiction treatment that you may not have heard of prior to treatment. For example, there are many people who don’t understand the fact that addiction is a disease. Unfortunately, they mistakenly believe that addiction is a choice. However, what person would want to knowingly choose to suffer with all of the issues that come along with addiction? The answer is that if addiction were truly a choice, no person would ever choose to have it.

As a result of this realization, it’s key that you approach addiction treatment services with an open mind and an open heart. There is a strong possibility that you will likely hear certain things that you may not have heard before. You may also have eye opening experiences that may make you rethink certain things that you once held dear. However, it’s important to recognize the fact that when you have fallen into the trap of addiction, you must take new steps to be able to regain your hold on your life so that you can heal and grow from your time in substance abuse. Recovery is always possible with the right type of help and assistance from trained addiction experts.

The focus of your time in addiction treatment will be to uncover the root cause of your addiction. This is something that is done through participating in different forms of therapy and developing a better understanding of addiction on a whole. For example, many people don’t realize that there are many people who struggle with addiction and also struggle with some form of mental health issues. Whether you have a diagnosed case of a mental health concern or you come to our treatment facility with something that is undiagnosed, the Serenity Oaks team can help to set you up with a dual diagnosis treatment program.

A dual diagnosis treatment program will help you to address both your addiction as well as any mental health concerns at one time. Addiction is something that can easily trigger a mental health condition. In turn, if you have a mental health condition, it’s possible that this could trigger your addiction. For instance, if you’re struggling with anxiety or depression, you may be searching for a way that you will be able to cope with these extreme feelings which can result in you turning to drugs or alcohol. In turn, continued drug or alcohol abuse could easily trigger more extreme symptoms of anxiety or depression. When you break the cycle of abuse, you can better treat your mental health disorders which is something that can help you to remain focused on your overall sobriety going forward.

Drug Detox

Before you can begin your substance abuse treatment program for drug addiction, there is a possibility that you may need to work through a drug detox program depending on your substance of choice as well as the severity of your addiction. As one of the leading detox centers in Florida, our treatment team goes above and beyond to ensure that you have the care and support that you need during this important stage in your recovery journey. We ensure that you have a comfortable and relaxed environment so that you don’t feel any further stress or pressure during this transitional time in your life.

The plan for drug detox is something that will look slightly different for every client but it’s something that is incredibly beneficial. For example, one of the leading reasons why a person should always take advantage of drug detox before they begin their recovery journey is so they can put themselves in a healthier frame of mind both physically and psychologically before they commit to treatment. When you’re experiencing withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, anxiety, or shakiness, you will be unable to effectively participate in addiction treatment. However, once you receive the emergency help that you need during the time that you’re in detox, you will be in a much better place to truly participate in treatment and absorb the tools and lessons that you’re learning during this time.

One of the most dangerous decisions that a person can make is to try to go through the drug (or alcohol) detox process at home. This is something that could be a potentially fatal misstep due to the fact that withdrawal symptoms are unpredictable and could easily result in death. When you’re truly ready to take the step of overcoming your addiction, you should always partner with our treatment facility so that we can assist you in putting together a plan that will not put you in any physical or psychological danger as you begin to experience withdrawal symptoms and come to a healthier and happier place in your life.

Drug Rehab

Once you complete your drug detox, you will be able to transition into a drug rehab program. During the time that you’re in drug rehab, you will do a deep dive into the reasons that you may have turned to addiction in the first place. There are several reasons why a person may develop a substance abuse issue in their life:

Childhood trauma

Experiencing a trauma when you’re a child is a mark that will undoubtedly stay with you for the rest of your life. When you’re a child, you’re just beginning to learn your environment. When you experience a trauma such as physical or psychological abuse or you lose someone that you were close to during this time, it’s likely that without proper psychological care, these traumas could stay with you well into your adulthood. As a way to try to cope with what you’re experiencing, you may turn to drugs as a way to manage which could lead to an entire myriad of issues.

Adult trauma

There are many people who also suffer from traumatic experiences well into their adult life. Similar to childhood trauma, this type of trauma can come in many different shapes and forms. For instance, there are many people who are first responders who also suffer from addiction. There isn’t a human being who is built to be able to sustain experiencing the things that first responders do without needing additional support. Other forms of trauma that a person could experience may be sexual assault or physical abuse. Regardless of the type of trauma that you experience, if you don’t reach out for the proper support and help for it, you may find yourself turning to substances such as drugs or alcohol to help you to cope.

Throughout the time that you’re in drug rehab, you will focus on healing holistically so that you can finally come to peace with these traumas and focus on your future.

Alcohol Detox

In many ways, an alcohol detox program is similar to a drug detox program in the sense that alcohol detox provides you with the time that you need to work through the withdrawal symptoms that you may experience once you decide to free yourself from the ties of alcohol addiction. On average, you can expect to spend at least seven days in this type of detox program, however, there is a possibility that that timeframe could be extended depending on the withdrawal symptoms that you experience. Our alcohol and drug specialists will closely monitor your physical and mental health so that you have the comfort of knowing that you will be well taken care of from the moment that you step through our doors.

Alcohol Rehab

Similar to drug addiction treatment, once you complete your alcohol detox program, you should always immediately take advantage of an alcohol rehab program. There are many people who make the fatal mistake of thinking that simply because they feel better at the end of their alcohol detox program, they are suddenly “cured” of their addiction. The reality is much different, however. Addiction is a disease which means that although you may be feeling better physically and psychologically after finishing your detox program, you will still need to commit to a comprehensive treatment program in order for you to truly conquer your addiction.

At Serenity Oaks, we work personally with each one of our clients so that they can take full advantage of their treatment program. Regardless of whether you take advantage of one of our inpatient or outpatient treatment programs, you can take comfort in the fact that your treatment team will be there for you anytime that you need them throughout this process.

Inpatient Addiction Treatment

Inpatient treatment offers a person the comprehensive level of support that they may need during this stage of their addiction recovery journey. Making the decision to travel away from the comfort of home is something that can be difficult. However, it’s something that may be incredibly important or potentially life saving depending on the circumstances. Inpatient addiction treatment can provide you with the type of environment that you genuinely need as you’re beginning to work through different types of addiction treatment. Keep in mind that you will not be alone during this time in your treatment. Not only will you be surrounded by an experienced team of addiction experts but you will also be surrounded by other people who are on their own treatment journey which will provide you with a unique level of support that you will be hard pressed to find anywhere else.

Residential Drug Rehab

Do you feel as though one of the biggest things that are missing from your life is a safe and sober environment? If the answer is yes, then you would be an excellent candidate for our residential drug rehab program. During residential drug rehab, you will have the time to exclusively focus on yourself and your needs as you begin to untangle the reasons and events in your life that may have contributed to your addiction. Our treatment facility offers top-of-the-line amenities which will help to provide you with a home away from home type of environment which is exactly what you need as you begin to take steps to overcome your addiction.

Residential Alcohol Rehab

A short term rehab program will allow you enough time to remove yourself from your home environment and outside distractions to fully engage and focus on your healing journey. You will be residing within our residential treatment center where you can connect with other patients that have had similar life experiences and challenges with addiction while having ongoing access to our addiction counselors, day or night within our supportive environment that focuses on empowering patients to heal and find themselves again within a life of sober living. Our compassionate team of highly trained and well educated staff will support you in developing the skills you need for relapse prevention while overcoming the negative emotions and self destructive behaviors that have been impacted by your drug or alcohol addiction.

Prescription Drug Rehab

Prescription drug abuse is something that can be particularly challenging to overcome due to the fact that this form of substance abuse may have developed as a result of a perfectly legitimate prescription referral. For instance, if you were injured in an accident or you needed surgery, it’s likely that your doctor may have prescribed you medication that will help your body relax as it starts to heal. There are also several medications that are prescribed for those who may struggle with mental health issues. Although there are several great benefits associated with these types of medications, the reality is that there are many of them that have highly addictive qualities. These substances are not meant to be taken indefinitely and are only meant to be taken under the watchful supervision of a doctor.

Unfortunately, every day, more and more people fall into the trap of prescription drug abuse. There are also several other forms of prescription drug abuse that develop as a result of illegal prescription drug purchases. When you come to Serenity Oaks, we will help to remove the influence of prescription drug abuse from your life and help you to learn techniques that will prevent you from falling back into this potentially deadly trap again.

Outpatient Addiction Treatment

Although an inpatient treatment program or even a residential treatment program may help you to change the people, places and things around you for a period of time, there are many people who are unable to commit to this type of addiction treatment program for one reason or another. For example, if you work, you may not be in a position where you can put your job on hold while you get help for your substance abuse. You may also be the sole provider or caretaker for your household or you may be trying to better yourself by working through a program at your local school. In cases like this, you may mistakenly feel as though you’re unable to commit to a substance abuse treatment program.

At Serenity Oaks, we understand that our clients need and deserve flexibility when it comes to their addiction treatment program which is why we’ve developed different options for outpatient treatment programs. During outpatient treatment, you will have more opportunities to be able to see to these important responsibilities in your life. Your treatment team will continue to check in with you to ensure that you are continuing to make the most out of your addiction treatment program.

IOP Rehab

The majority of insurance providers will cover a portion of the cost of rehab as they are legally required to under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Depending on your insurance provider, the amount that is covered will vary depending on the parameters of your coverage plan. Before entering into drug or alcohol rehab, Fort Lauderdale residents are encouraged to call their insurance providers to inquire about the coverage that is available. If the full cost is not covered through insurance, our team will support you in finding an affordable payment plan so that you can get started on your recovery journey right away.

PHP Rehab

A PHP rehab, also known as a partial hospitalization program, will allow you to come to our facility for treatment and can require occasional overnight stays. You will also have access to certain medications if and when needed. Primarily your treatment meetings and treatments will take place during the day which still allows you for flexibility that you may need.

Sober Living & Aftercare

It’s important not to overlook the key role that attending support meetings will play in your overall recovery. This is something that will be greatly encouraged by our treatment team throughout the time that you’re working through your recovery program. If you suffered from drug addiction, then you will feel more comfortable in a Narcotics Anonymous meeting while those that suffered from an addiction to alcohol will feel more comfortable in an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. You will find that the structure of these meetings is similar to a group therapy session in the sense that you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and experiences on a certain topic and, in turn, you will be able to listen to the experiences of others which can help to keep you focused on the goals that you have for your overall recovery.

Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous meetings are extremely helpful in your recovery journey due to the fact that these types of meetings will give you the opportunity to be able to interact with other people in your area that have experienced their own struggles with addiction which can help you to build your own system of support. One of the great things about NA or AA meetings is the fact that these meetings take place nearly every day at any time of day. Better yet, since COVID, these meetings can take place both in-person and virtually which means that you can truly structure attending the meetings around your schedule.

Alumni Support

One of the best things that you can do for yourself is to look to others who have completed their own addiction treatment program for support as you complete your own initial treatment program. This is just one of the reasons why we developed our Thrive Alumni Mentor Program. The Thrive Alumni Mentor Program is meant to help you develop your own unique system of support through partnering with other individuals who have finished their own treatment journey through Serenity Oaks. This program isn’t just about meeting up to go to recovery meetings although you will be able to take advantage of that option as well. Instead, the Thrive Alumni Mentor Program is meant to serve as a way to help you to continue to grow and develop when it comes to your own recovery as well as your understanding of addiction. One of the best features of our Alumni program is the fact that you will have 24-hour access to support and care if you need it. Remember, just because you completed

Why Choose Serenity Oaks for Rehab in Florida

One of the questions that our team commonly receives revolves around what makes our treatment facility the best option for them. There are many reasons why we encourage you to experience the treatment opportunities that we offer at our rehab center in Florida. Here are just a few reasons why we are a leading choice among those that struggle with substance abuse:

A beautiful campus

At Serenity Oaks, we believe that every person that comes to our facilities deserves to be surrounded by beauty and peace throughout the time that they are in treatment which is why we offer a 7.5 acres natural landscape which provides a tranquil and peaceful setting. You will have plenty of time to enjoy our outdoor amenities which includes a basketball course, a Zen garden for meditation and plenty of shade where you could relax with a book or chat with another client.

Life skills

With years of experience as addiction experts, we understand that your substance abuse is something that may have prevented you from learning certain skills that could help you to move forward in your life. During the time that you’re in treatment, you will be able to take advantage of learning important life skills such as time management, financial education and even revamping your resume so that you can take steps toward finding your ideal dream job.

Non-conventional treatments

Although we understand the importance of utilizing certain conventional addiction treatments such as various forms of therapy into your overall treatment plan, we also believe that it’s imperative for every client to take advantage of non-conventional forms of treatment which can help our clients to heal holistically. From yoga to nutrition classes to meditation, you will have access to these key forms of treatments.

Luxurious amenities

One of the leading reasons why many people are hesitant to commit to an addiction treatment program is due to the fact that they feel as though they will be uncomfortable during their time in treatment. Although it’s true that coming to an addiction treatment facility will not be the same as living at home, when you come to Serenity Oaks, you will have the benefit of having a comfortable bed, your own private bathroom, plenty of storage space, a television and much more. When you reach out to our intake team, we will explain to you exactly what you can expect when you come to our facility for treatment.

Are you ready to change your life and leave the disease of addiction in the past? If the answer is yes, then the addiction specialists at Serenity Oaks are here to help you start your treatment journey. The first thing that you need to do is to get in touch with us by calling us at (833) 720-0708. During this intake call, we will be able to answer any questions or concerns that you may have when it comes to your treatment and provide you with the next steps that you need to take in order to address your alcohol and drug addiction.


At Serenity Oaks Wellness Center, we offer residential detox treatment with a wide range of modalities to address the needs of all our clients. Our high staff-to-client ratio ensures everyone that enters our facility gets the personal attention they need and deserve for a safe and successful detox process. To learn more about our program, contact Serenity Oaks Wellness Center today at 844-720-6847.

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